Friday, December 23, 2011

Have you?

I think one of the biggest problems with being sick is that people will continually treat you like you are ever so slightly slow.  My neighbor says I should sleep more, because the 14 hours a day I'm currently clocking might not be enough.  My coworker says that working all day makes her back hurt too.  My boss gives me a "look" when I try to explain that I'd really rather not miss work to go to the doctor.  Well-intentioned folks suggest that I am "manifesting" these things due to past trauma.  Even my Google and Facebook feeds are selling snake oil these days.
I know that really what people are trying to do is to offer me hope or companionship or occasionally just hoping that I'll shut the hell up.  I don't want to be one of those people who ends up so sad and angry because they bat away every offering.  Walking the line between taking care of myself and becoming a hermit may be the hardest part of this. 

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